How To Be Profitable On Amazon In 2022

The bad news...

Trends in Amazon Advertising for 2022 (and a Wishlist of features we'd like to see soon)

If you are actively selling on Amazon, keeping up with the trends coming down the road in 2022 is not optional, but mandatory. Competition for advertising[…]

Amazon Budget Rules

Amazon has a feature called Budget Rules for Sponsored Products ads, which permits sellers to set budgets for each of their campaigns in advance. 

4 Sponsored Brands Video Reports Every Seller Should Periodically Review

Sponsored Brands video ads help sellers to stand out from their competition on desktop and mobile shopping app results, helping shoppers to discover their[…]

6 Ways to Reinvest in Your Amazon Business In The New Year

With the holidays over and Q4 behind us, many sellers find themselves faced with a major decision:

How Amazon Sellers Can Use Kindle Direct Publishing To Increase Sales

Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP) is Amazon’s publishing platform that allows independent authors/sellers to have access to readers around the globe, without[…]

The 6 Basic Functions of Amazon PPC Advertising

PPC (pay-per-click) advertising is an extremely effective short-term tactic.

Recent Updates To Amazon Sponsored Display Ads

Amazon has recently released new updates to Sponsored Display ads inside of the Advertising Console. These are useful tools that sellers can implement in[…]

10 New Metrics From Amazon for Sponsored Brands Video Campaigns

Coming soon, every Amazon seller will be able to see new metrics tied to Sponsored Brand Video (SBV) campaigns that will help them to better understand[…]

6 Tips for Creating High Converting Amazon Video Ads

The competition for shopper's attention and dollars in every niche of the Amazon marketplace continues to swell exponentially with each passing day.